Why I Don’t Use Power Tools

Horsemanship versus Auto Mechanic

Power tools (air or electric) used in equine dentistry can be effective when used by trained equine dentists, but eliminating horsemanship deprives the horse from being part of the process. What I don’t like about power tool use is the immobilization of the horse, over-drugging, mouth jacking, and head suspension. This goes against every fiber of horsemanship I know. It is not in the horse’s best interest and turns the art of the horsemanship approach to equine dentistry into the auto mechanics approach.

If we used these techniques on a human to build a relationship, dating would end. Think of it this way. How would you tell if the date likes you if s/he were drunk or drugged? If you are afraid of criticism from your date, or you lack self-confidence or are insecure, eliminating the art of relationship building allows the date to occur. In Horsemanship Dentistry™, it is important to receive honest feedback from the horse, understand it, and change our approach.

Further, how much mechanical advantage is needed when using carbide steel float blades against tooth enamel? The answer is little, so using a motorized float is overkill. The only reason power is applied is it allows for the acceptance of immobilization, which is against horsemanship.